Schlumberger’s free download Full Verion Stander Stander offline installer for Windows. It is a Softy package for field QC and the processing of 2D and 3D seismic data acquired on land, coast or vsp.
provides data processing from early acquisition quality control to final processing and interpretation of 3D seismic data acquired in the ground, on the high seas or as a vertical seismic profile (VSP), in all Data from induced manufacturers formats.
Use of many interactive screens and interlines, and you can read the workshops and obvious of Samless. You can add your algorithms through a C ++, Python or Matlab SDK interface. Subports software advanced processing layer, including AVO and AVA analysis, multicomponent processing and complete vsp Qc and 3D and processing
of Schlower view <
- is a rich set of tools and functional to navigate, Zoom and manipulate well data, facilitating compression that offends outside the resistant.
Updated information about operations operations.
- View integration The integration of data into the sources, including health and drilling parameters, and production data analysis, which allows users to perform various analysis in sad analysis, Stability analysis and production as an analysis.
- OS AWARDED: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
- RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
- Free hard drive: 800 MB or more
- OS AWARDED: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
- RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
- Free hard drive: 800 MB or more
Q: Platforms in Schlumberger view?
A: Yes, no importation of data from several standard industry formats, including DLIS and ASCII.
Q: Doesn’t you provide a capacity for editing welcome data? Correct well registration data.
P: Can I perform a gestural system system in real time?
A: It is while horizontal or deviant wells is perforated.
P: Cannal to meet the specific requirements?
A: It is not the specific case option for the projected player. Users can configure workshops, create a personalized registration analysis for the workforce and incorporate the specific database of the Support Company for Vista. Users can access documentation and online resources and contact the representation of the Subport to represent to solve problems or consult. Yes, modules and admission accessories out of place that improve the off -view capacity. These modules may include for specialized tools, advanced visualization characteristics or integration with all software platforms.
q: Cann log sets efficiently. Use advance and optimization algorithms to obtain mold performance. The exploration and production phases of the oil and gas industry. Its AIDS in the initial evaluation outside the properties of the exploration of the deposit and continues to provide